June 2017

Steps:- First, prepare Nutrient Agar media under sterile conditions. Add a pinch of antibiotic, methicillin whose resistance is required in the given bacterium, Then…
It depends on what group of organisms it is. And how many organisms are there in the group. Now, here the question is that…
RNA synthesis starts differently in prokaryotes and eukaryotes. It always occurs in 5′ to 3′ direction. And it always requires the enzyme RNA polymerase….
Question 1) Parents: Pr/Pr  Y/Y r/r (parent 1)   x    Pr/Pr  y/y R/R (parent 2) What are the phenotypes of the parents Answer) Let’s assume ‘Y’ for…
    Abstract: – This case study, is being performed on an 18-month-old male. This child is suffering from restlessness and is unable to…
Lipid rafts are a region of the plasma membrane. They move freely in the membrane but are more tightly packed than the lipid bilayer…
Crohn’s disease is a chronic inflammatory disease of the digestive tract. In this disease, excess abdominal pain occurs. Bloody diarrhea is accompanied with weight…
Here is a short test of biology. Still straight, with a laptop. Open up the test. If you can solve this test in an…
Please note that: Haploid means: DNA is inherited from a single parent. Diploid means: DNA is inherited from two parents, for example, nuclear DNA….