Bioanalytical tools and techniques

Maximum parsimony: – This is a character based method. In it, the topology that requires the smallest number of substitutions is the best tree….
  Phylogenetic trees are constructed by choosing an optimal tree, which is itself based on some model of evolutionary change. This approach is known…
Differences between X-ray and MRI images of head, knee, and chest are:  An X-ray will give an image of bones present in these body…
a) Cyanopropylphenyl dimethyl polysiloxane, b) Carbowax polyethylene-glycol, c) Biscyanopropyl cyanopropylphenyl polysiloxane d) Diphenyl dimethyl polysiloxane
a) Electron capture detector b) Radium ion detector c) Flame ionization detector d) Thermal conductivity detector. Ans. b) Radium ion detector is not the…
Martin and Synge got noble prize in Chemistry in the year 1952 for the invention of partition chromatography. Their full names are Archer John…
Lecture-1 : Chromatography “Chroma” means colour and “graphy” means graphical representation. Separation of components of a mixture on the basis of colour and then identifying…
Lecture 3: Bioanalytical tools Important points: This is the most common method for separation of proteins from a mixture. This is so because first…
Lecture 2: Bioanalytical tools Important points It is also called as molecular sieve chromatography or sieve exclusion chromatography. A column made up of porous…
Correct Answer is b. Explanation: Distribution coefficient = (concentration of component in stationary phase)/ (concentration of component in mobile phase). It is represented by…