Bio Chemistry

To separate the gases in the air, their density property can be used. Some gases present in the air have higher densities, other have..
According to Henderson-Hasselbalch equation, pH = pKa+ log (α/1- α) Given pH =2 Calculate α = degree of dissociation = 1/ 10(pKa-pH) +1 Given…
ANSWER: pKa is the log of dissociation constant of an acid. Suppose an acid is HA. HA will dissociate to à H+ + A–…
The correct answer is A (Brain). Please note that 75% glucose of human body is consumed by the brain daily, via aerobic pathways. Remainder…
CSIR NET 2015 Ionic strength = ½ ∑(concentrations of ions * charge2) = ½   = ½ [0.4…
Ans. Please note that “W ” is the single letter code for “Tryptophan”, ‘A’ for “Alanine”, ‘T’ for “Threonine” , ‘E’ for “Glutamic acid”…
Ans: A non-essential amino acid is one which is synthesized in the body. Tyrosine is synthesized in the body from Phenylalanine, which is itself…