1. If you were given one group of organisms and asked to return in 200 years with two species, what steps would you take to complete the assignment? What steps would you take to complete the assignment in one generation?

It depends on what group of organisms it is. And how many organisms are there in the group.


Now, here the question is that we are starting with one group of organisms. Now, the group can be family-group, genus-group or species-group. So, the first step would be to find out the group of given organisms. Since we are landing on two species, so it cannot be species-group or a family group.; reason being a species group would be very small and a family-group would be very large.


After finding out the group (here it seems to be genus-group), we need to know how many members are there in each genus.


The genus which is the smallest will give the least number of species (in this case 2).


In one generation, only simple unicellular organisms will be able to form two species. But no unicellular organism will have a lifespan of 200 years. So, it should be a multicellular organism. As per facts, invertebrates having the cellular level of organization would come under such a category.