IPU-CET Entrance exam is held by Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University every year. Various graduate and undergraduate programs are there:
The courses of relevanace for Biotechnology students are:
1. B.Tech/M.Tech Dual Degree Biotechnology
2. M.Tech Food technology
3. M.Tech Nano science and Technology
4. M.Sc Environment science
5. M.Sc biodiversity and Conservation
6. M.Sc Natural resourse management
7. M.Sc Forensic Science
8. M.Sc Epidemiology
9. PG diploma in disaster management
For all these courses entrance exam will be held in Mid-MAY. Last date for application is First/second week of April for different courses.
Link for application form is: https://cdn.digialm.com//EForms/configuredHtml/850/51678/application.html
For more details refers to website: