There are lots of private and government universities in our country. According to Quora report, 77,798 students are registered in Ph.D. in our country presently. And lakhs of Ph.D. holders exist over here. They have gained Ph.Ds in various subjects ranging from science to commerce to Arts.
The ironical part of this story is that out of these ~78K registered Ph.D. students, most are pursuing their research in private mode, just for the sake of purchasing a degree, which may somehow be helpful in their career.
What is Ph.D.?
Ph.D. is actually a research degree. It states that the particular person had done this particular research work in this year, under the guidance of this professor. It is important to note that India stands in the third position for awarding Ph.Ds to various students all around the globe.
Now, my question is that out of lakhs of Ph.D. degree holders, how many of Indian students are given positions in citations and Review of Literature of theirs successors. The ironical part is many people copy/paste the thesis, and do not even cite the name of the person whose thesis they have copied. Does India has no respect for the Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) of its predecessors?
Don’t you think that this copy/paste of thesis should be stopped? Shouldn’s the UGC or any other private/government university check the Thesis on a plagiarism checker before awarding the degree to the student.
Let us make BioKaryon a common platform for publication of such Ph.D. degrees on the internet. When they will be present, then only they will be checked. In this way, the student can have over his/her. Let us give all Ph.D. degree holders their worth; the worth, that is lying in dust somewhere in the corner of their house.
After 3-10 years of completion of Ph.D., we realize that the thesis which we had written with so much zeal and patience is resting like a dust in a corner of our bookshelf. Nobody knows what work we had done…. there are no citations of our work…….nobody is citing our thesis in his/her literature review…. Still, so many are doing Ph.D., every year…. whether it be a private university or a government is almost impossible to quantify the exact number of thesis’ written in our country till date…………..
Let’s have our thesis published on a common forum…… so that more and more people can view it…… and know that even we are worthy of citations……… Let the world know that research exists even in INDIA……… IT IS NOT THE WEST ONLY WHICH DESERVES ALL THE CITATIONS……