Lecture 4 Practical 2: EMBL Aim: To study the Sequence Information Resource “EMBL” on the web. Principle: Full-form of EMBL is European Molecular Biology…
Lecture 3 Practical 1: GenBank Aim: To study the “Sequence Information Resource” GenBank on the web. Principle: GenBank is a primary sequence repository. This…
SECTION B (2 MARKS QUESTIONS) Which of the following statements regarding membrane transport is FALSE? A. Polar and charged solutes will not cross cell…
What will happen if histones are depleted from a metaphase chromosome and viewed under a transmission electron microscope? A. 30nm chromatin fibres will be…
Which of the following statements about meiosis is not true? A. Kinetochores of sister chromatids attach to opposite poles in Meiosis I B. Kinetochores…
In chloroplast the site of coupled oxidation reduction reactions is the: A. outer membrane B. Inner membrane C. Thylakoid membrane D. Stromal space QUESTION…
SECTION C: (4 MARKS QUESTIONS) The tetra-peptide “KDEL” is well-known as a retrieval signal of several newly synthesized proteins. This process is mediated through…
a) Cyanopropylphenyl dimethyl polysiloxane, b) Carbowax polyethylene-glycol, c) Biscyanopropyl cyanopropylphenyl polysiloxane d) Diphenyl dimethyl polysiloxane
a) Electron capture detector b) Radium ion detector c) Flame ionization detector d) Thermal conductivity detector. Ans. b) Radium ion detector is not the…
Lecture-1 : Chromatography “Chroma” means colour and “graphy” means graphical representation. Separation of components of a mixture on the basis of colour and then identifying…
Lecture 2: Bioanalytical tools Important points It is also called as molecular sieve chromatography or sieve exclusion chromatography. A column made up of porous…