Assignment based on “The Cell”- Class XI CBSE…
Part A:
State whether the given statements are true or false. Give reasons for false statements.
1. Modern cell theory was given by Schleiden and Schwann.
2. Cytoskeleton is present in prokaryotes as well as eukaryotes.
3. Plasmid can be double or single stranded RNA or DNA that contains genes for bacterial DNA replication.
4. Yeast and amoeba are eukaryotic, while E.coli found in human gut can be prokaryotic.
5. Gram stain is a visible distinguishing characteristic of almost all bacteria.
6. Fungal cell wall is compulsorily made up of chitin.
7. Contractile vacuole can exist in an animal cell.
8. The largest cell type that exists on Earth is that of a Protistan.
9. Peripheral proteins are attached very tightly to the plasma membrane.
10. Lysosomes are absent in most plant cells because they have a well-defined conspicuous vacuole.
11. Transport of materials in and out of the cell would be impossible if peripheral proteins were not present.
Part B:
Write one line answers to the given questions (2 marks each).
1. Contribution of Rudolf Virchow to cell theory.
2. Role of mesosome in bacteria.
3. Concept of glycocalyx in an animal cell.
4. Lipid protein ratio in cell membrane.
5. Size of various eukaryotic cells.
Part C:
Q1. Match the following:
Column A Column
Name Related to:
i) Robert Hooke a) DNA synthesis.
ii) Mesosomes b) Micrographia
iii) Single stranded DNA c) ds DNA
iv) Archaea d) Fungus cell wall.
v) Chitin e) Virus.
Column A Column B
Structure Location.
i) Contractile vacuole a) Bacterial cell.
ii) Hyphae b) Animal cell.
iii) Plasmid c) Plant cell.
iv) Glycogen d) Fungal cell.
v) Cellulose e) Protista
Column A Column B
Structure Function
i) Selectins a) Transport
ii) Carriers b) Cell-cell adhesion
iii) Vacuole c) Cell-signaling.
iv) Glycocalyx d) Conjugation.
v) Pili e) Maintenance of pressure.
Part D:
Essay type questions
1. Write in detail the discovery of cell and foundation of cell theory.
2. Discuss the basic functions of membranes in a cell.
3. Describe Singer and Nicolson’ model of DNA, with diagram. Explain why it is so important in cell biology.
4. Discuss the role of virus as a cell in cell biology. How will you justify its presence as a cell in the real world?
5. List down at least ten differences between plant cell and animal cell.
6. Discuss bacterial cell structure, using appropriate diagrams. Also review the concept of multicellularity in Monera, taking appropriate examples. Draw diagrams wherever necessary.
Part E:
Multiple Choice Questions:
Q1. Biofilms formation cannot occur in
a) Aspergillus spp.
b) Acanthamoeba castellanii, an aquatic amoeba.
c) E.coli.
d) Fucus spp.
Q2. Which of the following is not a function of plasma membrane?
a) Cell-cell adhesion and recognition.
b) Exocytosis.
c) Protection of cell from harsh environmental conditions.
d) Control of membrane-protein traffic.
Q3. Which of the following scientists has no role to play in laying the foundation stone of biological membranes?
a) Rudolf Virchow.
b) Overton.
c) Singer
d) Langmuir.
Q4. Which of the following statements is false regarding the tri-laminar model?
a) This model was given by Robertson.
b) The diameter of lipid layer is 35 Angstrom.
c) The diameter of lipid layer is 25 Angstrom and that of protein layer is 20 Angstrom.
d) The overall thickness of plasma membrane surrounding the cell is 75 Angstrom.
Q5. The three basic characteristics of all eukaryotic cells are:
a) Absence of cytoskeleton, presence of nucleus and membrane bound organelles.
b) Absence of cytoskeleton and membrane bound organelles, presence of nucleus.
c) Presence of cytoskeleton, nucleus and membrane bound organelles.
d) Presence of cytoskeleton and nucleus, but absence of membrane bound organelles.
Q6. Reserve food of fungus is:
a) Starch
b) Glycogen
c) Mannose
d) Dextrose.
Q7. Fungus is similar to animal cell in that:
a) Cellulose present in cell wall.
b) Reserve food is glycogen.
c) Present everywhere.
d) Plasmodesmata absent.
Q8. Multicellularity is the characteristic of all except:
a) The moneran, E.coli.
b) The fungus, yeast.
c) The Protist, sea weed.
d) Both a) and c).
Q9. Cell membrane: cell::
a) Skin: frog body
b) Capsule: bacterial cell
c) Door: house
d) All of the above are correct.
Q10. Some bacteria show similarity to viruses in that:
a) They have RNA as genetic material.
b) They have capsule which contains proteins.
c) They have filamentous structure.
d) They are immortal.
Part F: Diagram based questions.
Identify the above picture. Which organism is this?
Label the parts 1 to 7.
What is the function of part labelled 2.
What specific staining technique is associated with part labelled 7.
What is the main component of Part labelled 6?
Write down the economic importance of the above picture to the society.
Label parts 1 to 12.
Write two functions of the part labelled 3.
Who discovered the part labelled 9 and in which year.
Give two examples of the above cell type.
In part 12, a special type of movement occurs. Write in brief, a short note on the type of motion and types of this part.
Part G: Differentiate between (at least 6 differences):
Peripheral and integral proteins.
Bacteria and archaea.
Cell wall and cell envelope.
Plant cell and fungal cell.
Prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell.
Plant cell and animal cell.
Protistan cell and fungal cell.
Part H: Discussion based questions.
Q1. If Robert Hooke was not there, cell biology was not possible. Discuss giving details of his research. Your answer should justify his work in 17th century.
Q2. Although Singer and Nicolson’ model is the most accepted model of the plasma membrane, there is still a possibility of some missing links in the structure of membrane. Discuss for and against the motion of this statement.
Part I: Class Assignment.
Take an A3 size page/or chart paper. Draw well-labeled diagrams of (any one):
a) Bacterial cell.
b) Archean cell.
c) Protistan cell.
d) Fungal cell.
e) Plant cell.
f) Animal cell
Compare and contrast distinguishing characteristics of all these cell types only on the basis of diagrams. You can draw flowcharts, wherever necessary.
Comparison of chart of all class mates can be done.
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