Cell Biology

SECTION A (2 MARKS EACH) The sum of first n natural numbers with one of them missed is 42. What is the number that…
A certain day which is x days before 17th August is such that 50 days prior to that day, it was 4x days since…
Which of the following numbers is a perfect square? A. 1022121 B. 2042122 C. 3063126 D. 4083128 QUESTION 4
SECTION B (2 MARKS QUESTIONS) Which of the following statements regarding membrane transport is FALSE? A. Polar and charged solutes will not cross cell…
What will happen if histones are depleted from a metaphase chromosome and viewed under a transmission electron microscope? A. 30nm chromatin fibres will be…
Which of the following statements about meiosis is not true? A. Kinetochores of sister chromatids attach to opposite poles in Meiosis I B. Kinetochores…
In chloroplast the site of coupled oxidation reduction reactions is the: A. outer membrane B. Inner membrane C. Thylakoid membrane D. Stromal space QUESTION…
SECTION C: (4 MARKS QUESTIONS) The tetra-peptide “KDEL” is well-known as a retrieval signal of several newly synthesized proteins. This process is mediated through…
A null mutation is created in a gene which is responsible for specific phosphorylation at 6th carbon position of mannose on acid hydrolase occuring…
If a proteasome inhibitor is added to synchronously cycling human cells in G2 phase, which one of the following events is likely to happen?…
Eukaryotic cells come under four classes.   Protistan cell Fungal cell Plant cell Animal cell 1. Size: Extremely variable size: smallest amoeba          Difflugia coronate…
a) (Cell – cell organelles) = cytosol b) (Cytosol + cytogel) = protoplasm c) (Cell – nucleus) = cytosol d) (Cytoplasm- cytosol) = cell…
The correct answer is d). Spherosomes are very small organelles which are detached from ER. They are found only in cells of higher plants,…
Discovery and nomenclature of lysosome: They were discovered by De Duve in 1955. Initially these organelles were named as peri-canalicular dense bodies based on…
Why lysosomes were called suicidal bags??? Initially De Duve observed that hydrolytic enzymes of lysosomes are capable of digesting the entire cell. So, he…
Assignment based on “The Cell”- Class XI CBSE… Part A: State whether the given statements are true or false. Give reasons for false statements….
Phago-lysosome Cyto-lysosome These are also known as hetero-lysosome or heterophagic vacuoles. Also known as autophagosome, autolysosome or autophagic vacuole. Substances are also brought into…
The answer is lysosomes. Initially lysosomes were named as peri-canalicular dense bodies. This name was based on their location inside the cell. Peri means…
For mitosis experiments, onion root tips are used. The root tip cells are actively dividing meristematic cells and mitosis can be observed in them…