Case study on Nurse practitioner course: Gender reassignment surgery



Describe the right thing to do in your opinion in caring for this patient as a nurse


Practitioner; considering interventions pertinent to primary care, to patient education or to


health care administration. Be specific in your assessment and plan.






First of all, it should be traced whether it is a medical issue or a mental issue.


Primary care: First of all, complete medical counseling of this person should be done. This would involve a trained psychiatrist as well as religious persons/doctors. The entire life experience of this person should be evaluated since birth. Patient education is also a part of primary care. It is noteworthy that, such an issue may be due to sterility in the person.


As an initial part of treatment, the consult of patient’ family members is very important, lawfully as well as ethically; although familial support will not change the paradigm of treatment. As discussed in introduction part, at last, GReS is the ultimate treatment for this person.